We're riding in the PMC Winter Cycle at Fenway Park on Saturday, February 1, 2025, and we've made a personal commitment to raise money for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
The PMC Winter Cycle is a spoke in the wheel of the Pan-Mass Challenge's annual fundraising campaign, with 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar going to Dana-Farber. Since 1980, the PMC has raised over $1 billion for Dana-Farber.
Team Duncan (formerly Team WOW) began in 1999 created by Dr. Eric Winer, former Chief of the Division of Women's Cancers and Director of the Breast Oncology Program at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. In 2019, Dr. Winer changed our name to Team Duncan in tribute to Duncan Driscoll Finigan who was his patient diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in October 2014. Duncan passed in May 2019 and Team Duncan is her legacy, she inspires us all to ride the Pan Mass Challenge and Defy Cancer.
Despite her diagnosis, Duncan lived every day to the fullest! She rode the Pan Mass Challenge 4x's to raise funds for Dana Farber. She was a strong and passionate advocate for breast cancer awareness and research and began Project Pink at her former company OOFOS. Today OOFOS continues to contribute 3% online sales to find a cure. Since 2019, OOFOS has donated $4.2M to Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Project Pink donations. OOFOS is the official recovery shoe of Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund in honor of Duncan.
Team WOW/Team Duncan fundraising has surpassed $11.1M over the past 24 years. Team Duncan has raised $3.9M since Duncan passed in 2019. Last year Team Duncan raised a record $1.1M. This year we will celebrate our 25th anniversary as a team and help the Pan Mass Challenge hit a $1 B milestone! Currently Team Duncan represents 121 riders strong including Dana Farber doctors, nurses, cancer patients, cancer survivors, friends and family of Duncan, friends from OOFOS including former QB Alex Smith who matched his $56,000 fundraising in 2023 year and rode in PMC 2024. We're also very inspired by our 11 year old pedal partner and pediatric patient Norma-Rose who is battling Pineoblastoma.
Our Team Duncan mission is to raise funds for cancer research and treatment focused on breast and gynecologic cancer and majority of our funds are dedicated to the Breast Cancer Research Fund. The funds that we have raised over the past 24 years have led to the development of clinical trials that never could have occured without PMC funding and new staff in the Dana-Farber Breast Program due to the significant funds raised. Thank you for all your support and come ride with us!
All Our Best,
Christine St Pierre, Team Duncan Captain and 18 year PMC Rider
Dr. Philip Poorvu, Honorary Physician DFCI and 20 year PMC Rider
If you would like to join Team Duncan for Winter Cycle, please reach out to Stephanie Taylor (stephanie@onpub.com).